Inside the Application FUNCTIONAL TRAINING WORKOUT you will find:
Thanks to the App you can create hundreds of Training Programs classified by specific Goals (aesthetic objectives, fitness and bodybuilding, strength and conditioning for sports, functional and postural rehabilitation, health and wellness), and by Level of physical condition of the person (beginner, intermediate, advanced).

Select who the Training Program is for
With this Application, you can choose and create Training Programs for:
- Single Person (Personal Training or for yourself)
- Two People
- Small Groups (4/6 people)
- Large Groups (10/20 people)

Select the Training Level
With this Application, you can generate Training Programs for every Level of general physical conditioning:
- Beginner Level
- Intermediate Level
- Advanced Level

Select the Training Goals
With this Application, you can generate training programs aimed at:
- Aesthetic Targets (Weight Loss, Toning, Bodybuilding, Muscle Shredding);
- Health and Wellness (Postural Training, Post-Traumatic Recovery, Sports Rehabilitation, Joint Mobility, Core Training, Joint Stabilization, Proprioception and Coordination);
- Athletic Conditioning for Individual Sports and Team Sports;
- Physical Conditioning divided according to Physical Ability (Strength, Endurance, Speed, Power, Speed Endurance, Power Endurance, Mixed Abilities)

Select the total duration of the Training Period
With this Application, you can create a single Mesocycle of Training (only one month), or compose an entire Macrocycle, based on the chosen objective. The Macrocycle can be composed of between 3 up to 12 Mesocycles. For each Mesocycle, the best Training Programs to follow are suggested, based on the scientific logic of the selection of Training Systems according to the chosen objective, or you can decide what Training System you want to use among the various options available.

Create the Mesocycle of Training
At this point, you can create the single Training Mesocycle, choosing how many Workouts to execute weekly (the Frequency of the Training Microcycle). If you have selected to create a Macrocycle, you can either compose only the first Mesocycle or compose all of the Mesocycles immediately.

Select the Duration of the Single Workout
You can set the Workout duration based on how much time is available to dedicate to the Single Training (considering the overall time including initial Warm Up, the Main Part, and the final Cool Down phase), from between 4 different options:
- Workout lasting 30 minutes
- Workout lasting 45 minutes
- Workout lasting 1 hour
- Workout lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes

Select the Type of Training Method to follow
At this point, you continue with the creation of the Training Program by choosing between two options:
- following the guidelines of the WTA Functional Training® Method (with the right balance between Body Areas, Planes of Movement, Functions, and Type of Exercises);
- or you can compose a Custom Training Program where there are no precise parameters of reference to follow, and you can structure it as you like.

Select the Training Tools from those you have available for the Workout
You can choose from among 30 different Training Tools (Barbells, Dumbbells, Bars, Parallel Bars, Wall Bars, Kettlebells, Steel Clubs, Steel Mace, Medicine Balls with handles, Giant Medicine Balls and Slam Balls, Sandbags, Waterbags, Suspension Training, Gymnastics Rings, Core Wheel, Trampoline for Medicine Balls, Plyo Box, Hexagonal Bar, Monkey Bar, Vertical Bars, Landmine, Power Sled, Battle Ropes, Elastic Resistance Bands, Tyres, Gym Ball, Gliding Discs and Foam Roller) or you can train only free-body (Bodyweight Training, Calisthenics Training, Primitive Functional Movement®). The exercises are filtered according to the Training Tools you have available and decide to use. If you do not select any tools, you can only use bodyweight exercises.

Select how many Workouts per week you want to compose
You can create from 1 to 5 different Workouts per week based on the starting Level of Training, the Targets, and the time available for the Training. Each Workout is structured in three parts:
- Warm Up (initial warming-up)
- Main Part (central part)
- Cool Down (final cool down)

Compose the Workout
If you’ve chosen to use the WTA Functional Training® Method version, you can choose between the pre-set Training Systems or, instead, if you’ve chosen the Custom version, you can create the Training Program as you like, deciding on the number of exercises, the number of repetitions per exercise, the number of sets, and the recovery time.

Select the Training System to use
You can choose between 46 different Training Systems, classified according to the starting Level of the person (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) and the Target of the Training (Aesthetic, Health and Wellness, or Sports Conditioning Training). Then you decide on the number of exercises, the number of repetitions per exercise, the number of sets, and the recovery time.

Select the Exercises to use
You can choose from among 1500 Exercises, divided according to the Training Tool, the starting Level of the person (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced), and the Target.
If you use the guidelines of the WTA Functional Training® Method (rather than the Custom version), the exercises are also filtered according to the Main Body Area, the Main Plane of Movement, the Main Function, and the Training Typology.

Workout ready
At this point, you have completed the creation of the Workout and you can take one of the following subsequent actions:
- Perform the Workout by viewing it directly on your smartphone/tablet;
- Save the Workout in pdf format and send it to your client or friend;
- Print the Training Schedule with any normal printer.

Start the Workout
If you choose to perform the Workout immediately, you have the Player available where the entire progression of the Workout is shown, which will lead you step by step through the exercises to be executed (with photos or videos according to your preferred option), the number of repetitions or work time (depending on the type of Training Program selected), the recovery time, and the total number of sets to be executed. The recovery time between the various exercises and sets is punctuated by a digital chronometer that appears on the screen and enables you to respect the training times established by the Training Program.

Save, Print, Send the Workout
Once the creation of the Training Program is complete, you can:
- Save it in your favourite Workouts;
- Save it in your client’s Training Programs;
- Send it to one of your clients or friends via external video link or pdf (by E-mail, WhatsApp, Messenger, or another system of sharing);
- Create a pdf to share or print. The pdf contains the entire workout schedule together with all the photos of the exercises (for each exercise there are two photos, representing the initial and final movement of each repetition).

Download the trial version of the App,
with which you can create up to two Training Programs for free.
You can choose from 10 different Management Software to generate
Training Programs according to your personal and/or professional needs:
This is the full version of the WTA Workout App Manager, that allows you to create the best Training Programs for all physical goals: Fitness & Bodybuilding, Sports Performance, Health & Posture, by using 30 different training tools (including Bodyweight Exercises), and 46 different Training Systems classified for levels (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced) and training users (individual, couple, small and large group training). 1500 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
Software to create the best Workout routines to reach Aesthetic Goals for every levels (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced): Weight Loss, Toning Up, Hypertrophy and Shredding, both for Personal and Group Training. 500 Exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionSPORTS PERFORMANCE TRAINING
Software to create the highest level of Athletic Conditioning for all Sports: Endurance, Strength, Speed and Power Sports, both for Individual and Team Sports by using 25 different training tools (including Bodyweight Exercises), and 30 different Training Systems. 600 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionHEALTH & POSTURE
With this Software you can create Training Programs for General and Postural Health: Joint Mobility, Core Training, Global Postural Rebalancing, General Rehab, General Strength, classified for levels (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced). 500 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionPRIMITIVE FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT®
This is the Bodyweight Training System completely developed on the ground with Natural and Primal Movements, to build Health and Performance, through Dynamic Joint Mobility, Core Training and Three-dimensional Global Movements. With this App you can create Primitive Functional Movement® Workouts for each goals and levels, both for Individual and Group Training. 200 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionCALISTHENICS TRAINING
The most complete Training Programs to build amazing and strong physique by using you Bodyweight on the ground, suspended on Bars and Parallel Bars, and by using Gymnastic Rings, Vertical Ladder and Monkey Bars. 150 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionKETTLEBELL TRAINING
Do you really like Kettlebell Training? This is the best option you can have to create Kettlebell Workouts for every physical targets: Strength and Conditioning, Health and Aesthetic Goals by using only Kettlebells and Bodyweight Exercises. 150 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionSUSPENSION TRAINING
This is the most complete Software to create Workouts by using Suspension Training Straps. With this App you will make specific Training Programs for every levels (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced), and for every physical goals, from Fitness to Athletic Conditioning, from Postural to Health Training. 160 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionSANDBAG/WATERBAG TRAINING
If you want to move up your Sandbag or Waterbag Training to the next step, you must train with this Training Programs App, that allow you to create 40 different Workouts for every Physical Goals by using only your Sandbag or Waterbag and the Bodyweight Exercises. 150 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionSTEEL CLUBS TRAINING
If you really love the Steel Clubs Training, you certainly know its benefits, but if you want to be able to apply the Steel Clubs Training to every levels (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced), and to every kind of Training Goals, you must absolutely try this fantastic App, that uses Steel Clubs and Bodyweight Exercises only. 120 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this versionSTEEL MACE TRAINING
If you love the Functional Training you certainly know the extraordinary functionality of the Steel Mace, but if you want to be able to apply the Steel Mace Training to every levels (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced), and to every kind of Training Goals, you must absolutely try this fantastic App, that uses Steel Mace and Bodyweight Exercises only. 160 exercises with videos and images. After creating the Workout, you can see it on your smartphone/tablet, you can send it to your client or friend, and you can print it by generating the pdf version (with tabs and images).
By purchasing this version of the App you will have access to all its functions. If you later decide to switch to the WTA WORKOUT PRO version, you can enjoy the special discount equivalent to the value of this version