Barbell & Bodyweight Training Instructor Course

Barbell & Bodyweight Training Instructor Course

Strength is the basic physical quality that must be constructed in any athlete before they can specialise in its derivatives, the Endurance, the Speed, and the Power.

But Strength, along with Joint Mobility, also constitutes the essential foundations for any person who is training to achieve an objective of aesthetics (hypertrophy, weight loss, or toning), or of health and wellness (postural and post-traumatic recovery).

An instructor of Functional Training cannot not know the two principal tools for the development of the Strength: one’s own body and the barbell!
In fact, starting from the capacity of controlling one’s own bodyweight with exercises on the ground and in suspension at the bars and parallel bars, it is possible to develop neuro-motor coordination in conjunction with the hypertrophy of the fibres, with a consequent adaptation of the quality of Strength.
We then move on to consolidating this through the use of the external load par excellence, the barbell.

The core of the Barbell & Bodyweight Training program is to learn the correct executive technique of the 10 fundamental exercises for Strength (5 bodyweight, and 5 with the barbell), how to teach them through the preparatory exercises, and how to adapt them to every person (according to their starting level, their physical structure, and their specific objective), through the complementary exercises and their variants.

The objective of the course is to train instructors in the safe and effective use of this extraordinary work tool in such a way that they can be applied to the demands both of the athletes of various disciplines (for the development of specific physical qualities), and also of the average gym user (to meet their objectives of aesthetics and wellness).

What you will learn:

// What differentiates Barbell & Bodyweight Training from traditional training systems with the barbells and the free body; 

// The differences between training the neuro-muscular systems in synergy with the other bodily systems and training them in isolation;

// The differences between training the Strength and the Movement in a global way and training the muscles in a sectoral way;

// What the scientific principles are on which Barbell & Bodyweight Training is based and how to use them effectively in the practice of the exercises;

// What it means to train while respecting the Biomechanics of the body and the aspect of neutral posture;

// Which the principal fulcrums of movement are and which the fulcrums of body stability are, and how to use them effectively, both in practical exercises and daily movements, and in the motor patterns of the sports that are practiced;

// What the myofascial chains are, how they work, and how to use them to the fullest in the execution of the movements in order to improve the posture and the performance of every person;

// How to use the Core in order to better manage the kinetic chains in the multi-planar movement of the body;

// The correct executive technique of the 10 fundamental exercises for the Strength (5 free body, and 5 with the barbells), how to teach them through their preparatory exercises, and how to adapt them to every individual subject through the complementary exercises and variants;

// How to adapt the use of the fundamental base exercises for the Strength with the use of barbells and the free body to each person based on their starting level and objective;

// A logical and effective progression to teach the technique of the exercises through a series of preparatory and complementary exercises based on the potential of each person; 

// The Evaluation Tests that are fundamental to correctly establish a real functional training program;

// How to structure the most effective training strategies based on the level and the objective of the client;

// What progressions must be respected in the development of training programs, both for individuals and for groups;

// A fast and functional Coaching Method that has been put to the test in the field since 2009 by thousands of WTA Coaches and Trainers;

// How to use the competences acquired in the sale of Personal Training and Group Training services;

// What the professional prospects of a WTA Trainer are.


Times of the lessons of the on-site course: 

from 09:00 to 18:00 (with a one hour break from 13:00 to 14:00) for all the days of the course, for a total of 16 hours.

Index of topics of the Course Program

• Barbell & Bodyweight Training: Functional training for the construction of the Strength through the use of one’s own bodyweight and the most identifiable tool of the gym, the barbells;

• The scientific principles that govern Barbell & Bodyweight Training: concepts of physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics applied to Global Multiplanar Movement;

• The fields of application of Barbell & Bodyweight Training: aesthetic training - physical preparation - health and wellness - personal training - group training;

• The exercises of Global Multiplanar Joint Mobility of the free body Primitive Functional Movement® Training System for the preparation of loading of the hips, the spine, and the shoulder complex;

• The 10 fundamental exercises of the Barbell & Bodyweight Training system with their preparatory and complementary exercises, and variants:
- Barbell Deadlift
- Barbell Back Squat
- Barbell Bench Press
- Barbell Overhead Press
- Barbell Row
- Bodyweight Pull Up
- Bodyweight Parallel Dips
- Bodyweight Pistol
- Bodyweight V-Push Up
- Bodyweight Handstand Position

• The functional evaluation of the client: tests of joint mobility test, and of maximal and submaximal Force;

• The programming of Barbell & Bodyweight Training with the implementation of specific protocols of training for personal training and group courses, based on the various levels and objectives of the clients (aesthetic - health and wellness - physical preparation).

• Effective Coaching of the Barbell & Bodyweight Training System: communication and motivation; 

• Aspects of sales and marketing of services related to the Barbell & Bodyweight Training System.

On-Site Course: those who purchase the On-Site course are entitled to a 60% discount on the purchase of the same course, Online. Once you have the purchased the course, you are entitled to repeat the course as often as you want (if you feel you still have doubts about the program, or if you simply want to continue perfecting the technique of the exercises).

Online Course: those who purchase the Online course are entitled to a 50% discount on the purchase of the same course On-Site.

On-Site Course: once you have purchased the course, you can access your own Reserved Area in which you will have the complete course manual viewable in pdf format, the evaluation cards and the training sheets downloadable in pdf, and the video lessons of 10 base exercises of the program.

Online Course: once you have purchased the course you can access your own Reserved Area in which you will have the complete course manual viewable in pdf format, the evaluation cards and the training sheets downloadable in pdf, and the video lessons of all of the exercises of the program (more than 50).

Your Reserved Area is equipped with a high information security format. The only technology you will need in order to consult the teaching material in the Reserved Area is Adobe Reader (for the pdf files).
The teaching materials are compatible with: Microsoft Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android.

After having purchased the course (immediately if paying by credit card or PayPal; after receipt of the confirmation of payment if making the payment by bank transfer), you will receive an email (to the email address you indicate when purchasing the course), with details of how to access your Reserved Area where you will find the course you have purchased.

From that point, you have unlimited access to your Reserved Area.
You can access it as and when you want and at any time you want to study, then present the exam when you're ready, without deadlines or expiration dates.

In WTA Courses, the exams are a fundamental part of the training process, as they allow both the WTA and the student to verify that they have correctly learnt both the theoretical concepts and the practical technical applications of the work program of the course.
In this way, 4 positive results are obtained:
1) WTA is sure to put only really prepared Trainers in the field;
2) the new Instructor feels confident that they have mastered the program of study and the executive technique of the exercises, therefore they feel ready to work with clients;
3) the clients who turn to a WTA Trainer are guaranteed to find professionals who are extremely competent and able to help them to reach their objectives;
4) the owners of gyms who employ a WTA Trainer are guaranteed to have professionals who are able to follow their customers in the best way, and to increase the volume of business of their gym.

The exams consist of:

  • theoretical part: in which, through the writing of a thesis on a real case study selected by the student (focussed on a subject who must be one of their clients or themselves), the student demonstrates that they have acquired all of the theoretical principles that lead to the realisation of an effective training program for each specific client (following what has been explained in the course).
  • practical part: in which, through the creation of a video, the student demonstrates that they have mastered the correct executive technique of the base exercises of the course program.

The exam is evaluated by a Tutor who is assigned to the aspiring Trainer at the time they present the exam. The Tutor will assist the student to pass the exam, providing any necessary corrections, both of the theoretical and the practical parts.
The common objective of the WTA and of the aspiring Trainer is to bring the training process initiated at the time of enrolling in the course to completion, so as to have a new WTA Trainer who is fully prepared to work in teaching the training Method learnt, in the most effective and efficient way possible!

On passing the exams, the new Trainer will be awarded the coveted certification of Instructor of Barbell & Bodyweight Training that is valid for:

  • inclusion in the prestigious Official Register of WTA Instructors and in the Professional Databank (free of charge);

  • attainment of the CSEN/CONI Diploma and Technical Card (with a €100 enrolment fee).

The Barbell & Bodyweight Training Instructor certification entitles students to training credits towards the following Educational Pathways:

  • Educational Pathways for WTA Specialisation Qualifications: Personal Trainer - Athletic Trainer - Functional Training Specialist - Strength Training Specialist - Women's Training Specialist - Athletic Training Specialist - Combat Sports Training Specialist. 

On attainment of the Diploma, the Trainer, in addition to receiving the Diploma, is incorporated in the prestigious Official Register of WTA Instructors, within their own region.
This Register, in addition to being the only official document accessible to the public which testifies the real competence of the Trainer, is a true and proper Professional Database which is open both to clients who are looking for a competent Trainer in which to trust, and to the owners of gyms who are looking for Professionals to include in their Instructor Staff.
In fact, the high level of professionalism of the WTA Training, universally recognised since 2009 in all physical fields (from athletic preparation, to medical gymnastics applications, to purely aesthetic fitness), allows the WTA Trainer to be inserted in any sporting environment in which the functionality of the Movement of the human body is indispensable for the health and efficiency of the person, be they an athlete of a specific sports discipline or a person who wants to recover or improve their state of health and physical form.
To date, the WTA Method, through the great work of over 20,000 Trainers trained since 2009, has been applied with great success in all professional sports, in medical and physiotherapy centres, and in thousands of private and commercial gyms.

In particular, the fields of application in which the WTA Trainer is most in demand are those relating to:

  • Conditioning of Joint Mobility, prevention of injuries, and post-traumatic recovery;
  • Conditioning of Functional Force in Sports; 
  • High Intensity Functional Training; 
  • Increasing biomechanical and neuro-motor skills both for general and specific sports; 
  • Aesthetic training associated with the improvement of the Posture; 
  • Group training for any type of level and target.
What are the pre-requisites for entry to the Course?

There are no pre-requisites, the Course is open to everyone.

Are the Diplomas recognised?

WTA Diplomas are recognised in all the Physical, Sporting, and Rehabilitative fields as a guarantee of professionalism that respects the highest global Standards of Quality, and are also recognised by the European SNAQ/CONI and by the International Olympic Committee through the CSEN/CONI.

What does the exam involve?

The exam involves sending a written thesis for the theoretical part and a video for the practical part.

How much time do I have to present the exam?

There is no deadline for presenting the exam; it depends on how much time you dedicate to the study and to the practice of the exercises after having attended the course, and on when you feel you are ready to take the exam.

If I do not pass the exam, can I repeat it?

When the exam is presented, a Tutor will follow you, assisting you step by step (providing you with all the corrections to improve yourself), to help you pass itRepeat the exam is completely free

If I don’t pass the exam, can I retake the On Site Course?

The On Site Course can be retaken as many times as you want, either if you have not passed the exam and need to improve some aspects, or if you have passed and just want to review the program to perfect it. Re-participating in the Course is completely free

What is the timetable for the On-Site Course?

The timetable for all the days of the Course is from 09:00 to 18:00, with a one hour Break from 13:00 to 14:00.

What are the dates of the next On-Site Courses?

Consult the Calendar of upcoming events, which you can find in the bar above, by clicking on the EVENTS tab.

By when do I have to register for the Online Course?

You can register for the Online Course at any time. Once you have purchased the Course, you can attend it whenever you choose (according to your own schedule of available time), progressively studying both the Teaching Manual and the Video Tutorials of the practical exercises, and then you can decide when you're ready to take the exam in order to acquire the Instructor certification.

How long does the access to the Reserved Area last, once I have purchased the Course?

Once you have purchased the Course, you are entitled to unlimited access to your Reserved Area of ​​study, without time limits.

On how many devices can I connect the access to my Reserved Area?

For any single purchase of a Course, you can access your Reserved Area from a maximum of two devices of your choice, which can be a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

By when do I have to register for the On-Site Course?

Up to three six before the start of the Course.

What clothing must I have to take part in the On-Site Course?

Comfortable gym clothing and flat-soled footwear. For the Joint Mobility exercises of the Primitive Functional Movement® free body System, it is recommended to work barefoot with socks that cover the ankles, and long comfortable trousers that cover the knees (for some exercises that involve sliding the legs on the ground).

Where can I see if there are Courses scheduled near me?

Consult the Calendar of upcoming events, which you can find in the bar above, by clicking on the EVENTS tab.

You may arrive with many ideas, maybe even mixed up, but you leave the WTA courses with only certainties and the desire to do. It is not for those who spring but for those who want to push beyond!
Cristian Pilati - 25 years old / Personal Trainer - Bolzano (Italy)
I came into contact with the WTA in 2013, revolutionising my way of training, making my lifestyle always better, and obtaining great results both as a Trainer and as an athlete. Even today, from my point of view, it is the most important academy in the field of functional training and athletic preparation. All of the courses are always explained in a way that is highly technical and rich in details followed by in-depth theoretical parts and with a great seriousness by all the trainers of Academy. I thank the entire WTA for what it has given me. Thanks to this constantly growing training path, I have been able to improve myself and overcome my own barriers, transmitting the highest quality to my students in their training as well.
Enrico Dino - 30 years old / Personal Trainer - Asti (Italy)
I came across the WTA Academy some years ago, and my vision of training changed forever... I understand what the fundamental qualities are that a body must have in order to be healthy and to be able to perform specific and professional sports to the best. I recommend being part of this Family, especially for the high quality of the courses and of their trainers... I have done many courses over the years... but when you finally find one that you have always been searching for… don’t let go!
Francesco Zonno - 37 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Bari (Italy)
Competence, seriousness, and professionalism. This is what distinguishes the WTA! A training that meets the science of the biomechanics of the human body, and exercises consequently based on how they must really be done and not on “hearsay”. Once you start training with the WTA you won’t be able to do without it anymore, and you’ll want to do as many courses as possible to always improve yourself more!
Juri Orsi - 36 years old / Army Functional Trainer - Treviso (Italy)
I found out about the WTA four years ago at the Fiera del Fitness in and I was immediately struck by their energy, charisma, and their quality techniques. From there I took my first training course and remained enthusiastic about the Method, discovering a whole new way of training that has allowed me to rediscover my potential, and greatly improving at the technical and physical level thanks to the wide training path available that varies from generic Functional training all the way up to specific courses. I would not swap the WTA Method for anything in the world, not only because it is an academy of the highest level, but also because it is formed by an always growing group of people who are joined together by sound principles learned in the training programmes of the WTA Functional Training Academy.
Joana Kisieliute - 26 years old / Functional Trainer - Asti (Italy)
I have been following the WTA and Emilio Troiano for many years. I have attended many of his courses and have always been very satisfied with the great professionalism he transmitted. I say this is because every course is exhaustive from a practical point of view, but also, most importantly for me, from a theoretical point of view. In fact, in all the courses I have followed, you are always provided with detailed explanations and reasons of why to execute certain movements and not others. Everything proposed during the courses has a reason based on the foundations of biomechanics, physiology, anatomy, and nothing is left to chance. Every course, and in particular every gesture made with any tool, always has a theoretical explanation.
Stefano Cima - 48 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Viterbo (Italy)
Because of work commitments that I have almost every weekend it is difficult to attend training courses that interest me, and so Online Courses are very useful for me. I have bought Online Training Courses with other schools in the past, but I have to say that these ones from WTA are on another level, dealing with the minutest detail also in the videos of explanation for the exercises and in the training cards that follow a logical thread from the theoretical part of the book. Truly an outstanding job. I believe I will continue with the Online Training from WTA.
Robert Kugler - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Frankfurt (Germany)

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