Primitive Functional Movement® Instructor Course Level 1

Primitive Functional Movement® Instructor Course Level 1

When undertaking a training program, there are essentially two common mistakes that can be made:

  1.  focusing on physical-aesthetic qualities such as Hypertrophy or Weight-loss, or on physical-performance qualities such as the Force, the Resistance, the Speed, ​​or the Power, without having first undertaking a program of postural rebalancing that necessarily passes from Joint Mobility and from the capacity to perceive and manage the basic movements of the body in space;
  2. trying to use sophisticated machines or the latest fashion equipment without first being able to train free-body. 

To these errors we can add a third, which regards the confusion between Stretching and Joint Mobility. Traditional stretching focusses on the sectoral elongation of a specific muscle.
In contrast, Functional Joint Mobility that is trained through Primitive Functional Movement® acts on the restoration of the neutral position of the joints, with a combined work both from the inside (joint decompression) and from the outside (global myofascial de-tensioning), and on the recovery of the body’s functionality during all its possible motor movements (restoring the full R.O.M. and the force in the stabilisation of the joints’ physiological bases through a multi-joint and proprioceptive strengthening workout).
Primitive Functional Movement® is a System of free-body functional training that puts the individual back at the centre and, even before giving them an external workload, ensures the rebalancing of the postural structure through an essential work of liberating the joint fulcrums of movement of the human body (through global joint mobility together with joint stabilisation and bodily proprioception).
Primitive Functional Movement® is based on a series of sequences of movements that are executed primarily on the ground so as to have the possibility of using the floor as a means of developing the exercises in maximum safety and efficacy. The constant contact with the ground, in fact, allows a continuous search for Joint Mobility and Stabilisation of the Joints (in particular, of the Spine, the Hips, and the Shoulders), fundamental for the improvement of the conditions of Health and Physical Capacity of everyone, whether they are Athletes or not.
It is a Training System that allows all the structural components of the body to be trained in an optimal way to generate a safe and efficient movement: therefore, it involves not only the Muscles, but also the Joints, the Tendons, the Ligaments, and, not least, the Connective tissue that constitutes the Fascia and gives life to the Muscle Chains. This results in an improvement, not only of Joint Mobility and Proprioception, but also of Coordination, of Reactivity and, therefore, also of the Force, the Speed, and the Power.
Working on the ground, moreover, allows less freedom of movement than is typical of working from standing, for which the body is immediately in conditions of Stress. In this way, by executing the exercises in appropriate sequence, this system also allows you to have excellent results in terms of the improvement of both Aerobic and Muscular Resistance.
Structured in an appropriate way, Primitive Functional Movement® is an instrument that can be used by anyone, regardless of age, gender, or physical constitution, and that can meet any objective, whether it be: Aesthetic (Fat Loss, Hypertrophy, Toning), Health (Rehabilitation and Prevention, improvement of the Posture), or Functional (Athletic Preparation).
Primitive Functional Movement® enables you to reclaim your capacity of total movement, reinvigorates the body, and renders it more Healthy and Functional!

What you will learn:

// What differentiates Primitive Functional Movement® from traditional sectoral training; 

// The difference between Global Joint Mobility and traditional Stretching; 

// The differences between training the Movement and training the muscles; 

// The differences between training the body systems in synergy with each other and training them in isolation; 

// The differences between training the Functionality of the body system and training its physical capacities;
// What the scientific principles are on which Primitive Functional Movement® is based and how to use them effectively in the practice of the exercises; 

// What it means to train while respecting the Biomechanics of the body and the aspect of neutral posture; 

// Which the principal fulcrums of movement are and which the fulcrums of body stability are, and how to use them effectively, both in practical exercises and daily movements, and in the motor patterns of the sports that are practiced; 

// What the myofascial chains are, how they work, and how to use them to the fullest in the execution of the movements in order to improve the posture and the performance of every person; 

// How to use the Core in order to better manage the kinetic chains in the multi-planar movement of the body; 

// How to prevent injuries through Intelligent Functional Training, and how to implement strategies of post-traumatic recovery through intelligent body Movement; 

// What the specific technical features are of the Primitive Functional Movement®, and how to best use them according to the capacities and the Target of the Client; 

// A logical and effective progression to teach the technique of the exercises through a series of preparatory and complementary exercises based on the potential of each person; 

// The Evaluation Tests that are fundamental to correctly establish a real bodyweight functional training program; 

// How to structure the most effective training strategies based on the level and the objective of the client; 

// What progressions must be respected in the development of training programs, both for individuals and for groups; 

// A fast and functional Coaching Method that has been put to the test in the field since 2009 by thousands of WTA Coaches and Trainers; 

// How to use the competences acquired in the sale of Personal Training and Group Training services; 

// What the professional prospects of a WTA Trainer are. 

Times of the lessons of the On-Site course: 

from 09:00 to 18:00 (with a one hour break from 13:00 to 14:00) for all the days of the course, for a total of 16 hours.

Index of topics of the Course Program:

  • Primitive Functional Movement®: from its origins to its applications today, and the differences between Global Joint Mobility and traditional Stretching;

  • The scientific principles that regulate Primitive Functional Movement®: concepts of joint physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, and kinesiology applied to multi-planar global Movement;

  • The fields of application of Primitive Functional Movement®: prevention of injuries - postural recovery – post-traumatic recovery - aesthetic training - free-body physical preparation - personal training - group training;

  • Primitive Functional Movement® exercises for the Functional Joint Mobility of:
    - The hips and pelvic girdle
    - The shoulders and scapulothoracic girdle
    - The spinal column (thoracic, lumbar/cervical dorsal)
    - The ankles and knees
    - The wrists and elbows
  • Primitive Functional Movement® exercises for the free-body strengthening of the:
    - The hips and lower limbs
    - The scapulothoracic and glenohumeral girdle and upper limbs
    - The core area
  • The functional evaluation of the client: testing joint mobility, core strength, functional strength, and speed endurance;
  • Programming Primitive Functional Movement® with the realisation of specific training protocols for personal training and group courses based on the varying levels and objectives of clients (aesthetics - health and wellness - physical conditioning);
  • The effective Coaching of Primitive Functional Movement®: communication and motivation;
  • Aspects of sales and marketing for services related to Primitive Functional Movement®.

On-Site Course: those who purchase the On-Site course are entitled to a 60% discount on the purchase of the same course, Online. Once you have the purchased the course, you are entitled to repeat the course as often as you want (if you feel you still have doubts about the program, or if you simply want to continue perfecting the technique of the exercises.

Online Course: those who purchase the Online course are entitled to a 50% discount on the purchase of the same course On-Site.

On-Site Course: once you have purchased the course, you can access your own Reserved Area in which you will have the complete course manual viewable in pdf format, the evaluation cards and the training sheets downloadable in pdf, and the video lessons of 20 base exercises of the program. 

Online Course: once you have purchased the course you can access your own Reserved Area in which you will have the complete course manual viewable in pdf format, the evaluation cards and the training sheets downloadable in pdf, and the video lessons of all of the exercises of the program (more than 90).
Your Reserved Area is equipped with a high information security format. The only technology you will need in order to consult the teaching material in the Reserved Area is Adobe Reader (for the pdf files). The teaching materials are compatible with: Microsoft Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android.

After having purchased the course (immediately if paying by credit card or PayPal; after receipt of the confirmation of payment if making the payment by bank transfer), you will receive an email (to the email address you indicate when purchasing the course), with details of how to access your Reserved Area where you will find the course you have purchased.

From that point, you have unlimited access to your Reserved Area. You can access it as and when you want and at any time you want to study, then present the exam when you're ready, without deadlines or expiration dates.

In WTA Courses, the exams are a fundamental part of the training process, as they allow both the WTA and the student to verify that they have correctly learnt both the theoretical concepts and the practical technical applications of the work program of the course.

In this way, 4 positive results are obtained
1) WTA is sure to put only really prepared Trainers in the field;
2) the new Instructor feels confident that they have mastered the program of study and the executive technique of the exercises, therefore they feel ready to work with clients;
3) the clients who turn to a WTA Trainer are guaranteed to find professionals who are extremely competent and able to help them to reach their objectives;
4) the owners of gyms who employ a WTA Trainer are guaranteed to have professionals who are able to follow their customers in the best way, and to increase the volume of business of their gym.

The exams consist of:
 - theoretical part: in which, through the writing of a thesis on a real case study selected by the student (focussed on a subject who must be one of their clients or themselves), the student demonstrates that they have acquired all of the theoretical principles that lead to the realisation of an effective training program for each specific client (following what has been explained in the course); 
 - practical part: in which, through the creation of a video, the student demonstrates that they have mastered the correct executive technique of the base exercises of the course program.

The exam is evaluated by a Tutor who is assigned to the aspiring Trainer at the time they present the exam. The Tutor will assist the student to pass the exam, providing any necessary corrections, both of the theoretical and the practical parts.

The common objective of the WTA and of the aspiring Trainer is to bring the training process initiated at the time of enrolling in the course to completion, so as to have a new WTA Trainer who is fully prepared to work in teaching the training Method learnt, in the most effective and efficient way possible!

On passing the exams, the new Trainer will be awarded the coveted certification of Instructor of Primitive Functional Movement® Level 1 that is valid for:

  • inclusion in the prestigious Official Register of WTA Instructors and in the Professional Databank (free of charge).

The Primitive Functional Movement® Level 1 Instructor certification entitles students to training credits towards the following Educational Pathways: 

  •  Educational Pathways for WTA Specialisation Qualifications: Personal Trainer - Postural Trainer - Athletic Trainer - Functional Training Specialist - Exercise for Health Specialist - Women's Training Specialist - Aesthetic Training Specialist - Strength Training Specialist - Athletic Training Specialist - Group Training Specialist - Combat Sports Training Specialist - Soccer Training Specialist - Tactical Training Specialist - Bodyweight Training Specialist

On attainment of the Diploma, the Trainer, in addition to receiving the Diploma, is incorporated in the prestigious Official Register of WTA Instructors, within their own region.
This Register, in addition to being the only official document accessible to the public which testifies the real competence of the Trainer, is a true and proper Professional Database which is open both to clients who are looking for a competent Trainer in which to trust, and to the owners of gyms who are looking for Professionals to include in their Instructor Staff.
In fact, the high level of professionalism of the WTA Training, universally recognised since 2009 in all physical fields (from athletic preparation, to medical gymnastics applications, to purely aesthetic fitness), allows the WTA Trainer to be inserted in any sporting environment in which the functionality of the Movement of the human body is indispensable for the health and efficiency of the person, be they an athlete of a specific sports discipline or a person who wants to recover or improve their state of health and physical form.
To date, the WTA Method, through the great work of over 20,000 Trainers trained since 2009, has been applied with great success in all professional sports, in medical and physiotherapy centres, and in thousands of private and commercial gyms.

In particular, the fields of application in which the WTA Trainer is most in demand are those relating to:

- Conditioning of Joint Mobility, prevention of injuries, and post-traumatic recovery;
- Conditioning of Functional Force in Sports; 
- High Intensity Functional Training;  
- Increasing biomechanical and neuro-motor skills both for general and specific sports;
- Aesthetic training associated with the improvement of the Posture;
- Group training for any type of level and target.

What are the pre-requisites for entry to the Course?

There are no pre-requisites, the Course is open to everyone.

Are the Diplomas recognised?

WTA Diplomas are recognised in all the Physical, Sporting, and Rehabilitative fields as a guarantee of professionalism that respects the highest global Standards of Quality, and are also recognised by the European SNAQ/CONI and by the International Olympic Committee through the CSEN/CONI.

What does the exam involve?

The exam involves sending a written thesis for the theoretical part and a video for the practical part.

How much time do I have to present the exam?

There is no deadline for presenting the exam; it depends on how much time you dedicate to the study and to the practice of the exercises after having attended the course, and on when you feel you are ready to take the exam.

If I do not pass the exam, can I repeat it?

When the exam is presented, a Tutor will follow you, assisting you step by step (providing you with all the corrections to improve yourself), to help you pass itRepeat the exam is completely free

If I don’t pass the exam, can I retake the On Site Course?

The On Site Course can be retaken as many times as you want, either if you have not passed the exam and need to improve some aspects, or if you have passed and just want to review the program to perfect it. Re-participating in the Course is completely free

What is the timetable for the On-Site Course?

The timetable for all the days of the Course is from 09:00 to 18:00, with a one hour Break from 13:00 to 14:00.

Where can I see if there are Courses scheduled near me?

Consult the Calendar of upcoming events, which you can find in the bar above, by clicking on the EVENTS tab.

By when do I have to register for the On-Site Course?

Up to three six before the start of the Course.

How long does the access to the Reserved Area last, once I have purchased the Course?

Once you have purchased the Course, you are entitled to unlimited access to your Reserved Area of ​​study, without time limits.

On how many devices can I connect the access to my Reserved Area?

For any single purchase of a Course, you can access your Reserved Area from a maximum of two devices of your choice, which can be a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

By when do I have to register for the Online Course?

You can register for the Online Course at any time. Once you have purchased the Course, you can attend it whenever you choose (according to your own schedule of available time), progressively studying both the Teaching Manual and the Video Tutorials of the practical exercises, and then you can decide when you're ready to take the exam in order to acquire the Instructor certification.

What clothing must I have to take part in the On-Site Course?

Comfortable gym clothing and flat-soled footwear. For the Joint Mobility exercises of the Primitive Functional Movement® free body System, it is recommended to work barefoot with socks that cover the ankles, and long comfortable trousers that cover the knees (for some exercises that involve sliding the legs on the ground).

What are the dates of the next On-Site Courses?

Consult the Calendar of upcoming events, which you can find in the bar above, by clicking on the EVENTS tab.

5 - 6
Primitive Functional Movement® Level 1 Instructor Course
Monfalcone (Gorizia)
WTA Strength Studio - WTA Official Center
via Daniele Barbarigo, 9
12 - 13
Primitive Functional Movement® Level 1 Instructor Course
Pomezia (Roma)
WTA Official Center Pomezia
Viale Alessandro Manzoni 75
17 - 18
Primitive Functional Movement® Level 1 Instructor Course
Fasano (Brindisi)
ASD Handstand - WTA Official Center
Via Sant’Oronzo, 127
Never has training been married with the science and the study of biomechanics of the human body as it has been with the WTA. A level of attention is placed on the correct execution of every single movement to make it perfect that I would define as maniacal. Those who care about their own wellness and that of their students cannot but undertake a training course with this academy! Remember, for true 360° Functional Training there is only the WTA!!
Renzo Renna - 36 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Bologna (Italy)
Seriousness and professionalism distinguish the WTA from all the others... I am proud and honoured to be part of this great family, united, determined, and humble to the right level to progress and give everyone the opportunity to understand the benefits of this extraordinary training system!
Marco Renna - 39 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Forlì (Italy)
What is promoted, taught, and applied by the WTA Functional Training Academy is an effective, scientific, highly technical, and specialised method of functional training. Nothing is left to chance! Being part of this great Family is synonymous with the personal achievement of great goals, of potentials rediscovered, of growth. As an instructor, I am proud to be a WTA Trainer, for all that I have been able to learn from this Method, for the enthusiasm that I feel at every single training I undergo, for the limits that I thought I had and I have exceeded... for the fantastic results that I encounter every day on myself, and also on my students! The WTA creates dependency ... when you try it you realise the potential you have and that you can improve, pushing you to learn more and more, about who you are and what you can become!
Silvia Dal Bo - 41 years old / Personal Trainer - Treviso (Italy)
Two words: effective and versatile, this Method can be inserted into any sport. I have practiced martial arts since I was a kid, and I have noticed improvements in my athletic gestures. With the Primitive, Clubs, and Kettlebell you go fast!
Andrea Cosentino - 32 years old / Army Trainer & Combat Sport Athlete - Taranto (Italy)
I came into contact with the WTA in 2013, revolutionising my way of training, making my lifestyle always better, and obtaining great results both as a Trainer and as an athlete. Even today, from my point of view, it is the most important academy in the field of functional training and athletic preparation. All of the courses are always explained in a way that is highly technical and rich in details followed by in-depth theoretical parts and with a great seriousness by all the trainers of Academy. I thank the entire WTA for what it has given me. Thanks to this constantly growing training path, I have been able to improve myself and overcome my own barriers, transmitting the highest quality to my students in their training as well.
Enrico Dino - 30 years old / Personal Trainer - Asti (Italy)
Knowledge is the basis of the Human Being. Every movement of the body requires a complete awareness and security of action. This is why the WTA Functional Training Academy collects and expands studies, knowledge, and experience for us trainers regarding functional training in its fullness and globality. In fact, speaking about simple training would be too simplistic. It wouldn’t be right! It is right to speak of pure MOVEMENT, understanding the true meaning of this term! A method of work that is outside the box. A safe and scientific method. A method aimed at all ages. But really for all. The only way to truly understand what functional training is and what it means to move. Nothing left to chance, nothing explained with superficiality. This is the WTA, this is my experience, this is my thanks.
Paolo Pullara - 31 years old / Personal Trainer - Agrigento (Italy)
I was looking for something concrete, for something that was free from subjective interpretations and points of view, something that would put my doubts to rest, something that would interpret and transform the functional logic of the human body in an objective way in the field. I have found all of this with the WTA! It is a Method that has the potential to meet all these needs, and which has finally helped me to definitively distinguish the subtle border running between physiotherapy/rehabilitation and postural well-being and physical training.
Stefano Levagnini - 46 years old / Fisioterapista & Personal Trainer - Modena (Italy)
The best academy that can be found in the sector... professionalism and competence are the basis of a training path. In the WTA, nothing is left to chance... Grand Master Emilio and the WTA are a great family of professionals... WE DON’T USE MACHINES... WE BUILD THEM!!!
Andrea Molon - 44 years old / Functional Trainer & Combat Sports Coach - Ivrea (Italy)
You only realise how innovative a system is when you marry it in totality. You can only understand how many mistakes you’ve made in the past when you gain an awareness of the Method. The WTA has a concept that goes beyond the mere academy. It is a family in which we compare ourselves for our collective improvement. The guidance of Master Troiano represents a certainty that manifests itself not only on the level purely of the practical but also the theoretical: everything has a meaning and a function. Every gesture is aimed at achieving a result. His collaborators (Senior Coach) have been moulded in his image and likeness to such an extent that it is impossible to perceive the execution or the theoretical explanation of an exercise where he is not present. The WTA Method has revolutionised the concept of free body training and, consequently, my life.
Miguel Severitano - 37 years old / Personal Trainer - Avellino (Italy)
There is very little to say… after years of study (including university) I have finally found THE TRAINING par excellence, with all the letters capitalised because capitalising the “F” alone would not suffice. The WTA Method is the top: scientific, detailed, innovative and unchallengeable... try it to believe it!
Sergio Scordino - 34 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Agrigento (Italy)
Something that upsets the usual patterns and the usual conceptions. An innovative Method that finally manages to establish a practical connection with the science of movement in 360 degrees in an intuitive and detailed way.
Maurizio Spagnolo - 32 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Aprilia (Italy)
Do you want to grow, improve, and form yourself first as a person first and then as an Instructor? Follow the WTA Method. By attending the various courses and following the principles on which they are based, you no longer have any limits. I managed to execute the Pistol Squat, despite the fact that I have a torn cruciate ligament and meniscus to be operated on!!! Incredible??? No. Before the WTA, I simply did not have the right technique for executing the exercises. The WTA really is an amazing school!
Giuseppe Castrignanò - 35 years old / Football Trainer & Gym Owner - Fano (Italy)
I got to know about the WTA through a colleague, and began with Functional Training. Now I have just done the Instructor course of Primitive Functional Movement®. Every time I have always found a professionalism and a seriousness in every instructor, with theoretical and practical lessons that leave nothing to chance. Everything is explained and studied in the minutest detail and the enthusiasm in doing so never flags. An excellent experience… I won’t stop here! I recommend it to all the experts in the field.
Matteo Rossi - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Modena (Italy)
My life crossed with the WTA School in March 2014 with my first training course of Functional Training Instructor. From that moment on, everything around me changed. My way of living, of training, of seeking wellness was not always been the same. Thanks to the philosophy of life... as well as the teaching... that only an Academy unique in its field can transmit... it has pushed me to share my knowledge with the next person... but to do it better you must not never stop studying and updating. And only the WTA is able to do this with courses that are always new... more complete... always more stringent and selective. To know how to transmit wellness, one must study. Nothing is left to chance. Seriousness is at the base of everything. And that’s why my opinion of my school is always increasing. WTA impossible to clone!
Alessia Del Mastro - 43 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Ancona (Italy)
In the last 12 years, I have attended several national schools of training, but there has never been one like the WTA that has totally revolutionised my way of working with incredible results for clients, both in individual and in group sessions. For me it has become a real philosophy of life. Professional, patient, and extremely prepared teachers, exhaustive and practical programming of the courses. You enter a fantastic group of colleagues and friends with whom you can continue to grow. The only downside: only having discovered them 2 years ago!!!
Tiziano Possega - 38 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Chiavari (Genova/Italy)
I have known the WTA since 2014 and my first course of Functional Training held by Master Trainer Emilio Troiano and Senior Coach Evgenia Babrovskaia. Right from the beginning, I appreciated the richness of the theoretical and practical content. The thing that I remember having impressed me a lot was the meticulousness with which the exercises were taught. It was precisely that attention to detail that was transmitted that has made my work decisively more qualitative. I also met other coaches, in particular Senior Coach Stefano Levagnini and Coach Luca Ronchi, professionals, prepared, and willing, from whom you can always learn, improve, and grow. I would recommend the WTA Academy to all those who want to approach functional training that is studied, not improvised, and respects the principles of biomechanics of the movement of the human body.
Federica Natale - 27 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Milan (Italy)
I found out about the WTA four years ago at the Fiera del Fitness in and I was immediately struck by their energy, charisma, and their quality techniques. From there I took my first training course and remained enthusiastic about the Method, discovering a whole new way of training that has allowed me to rediscover my potential, and greatly improving at the technical and physical level thanks to the wide training path available that varies from generic Functional training all the way up to specific courses. I would not swap the WTA Method for anything in the world, not only because it is an academy of the highest level, but also because it is formed by an always growing group of people who are joined together by sound principles learned in the training programmes of the WTA Functional Training Academy.
Joana Kisieliute - 26 years old / Functional Trainer - Asti (Italy)
I have been following the WTA and Emilio Troiano for many years. I have attended many of his courses and have always been very satisfied with the great professionalism he transmitted. I say this is because every course is exhaustive from a practical point of view, but also, most importantly for me, from a theoretical point of view. In fact, in all the courses I have followed, you are always provided with detailed explanations and reasons of why to execute certain movements and not others. Everything proposed during the courses has a reason based on the foundations of biomechanics, physiology, anatomy, and nothing is left to chance. Every course, and in particular every gesture made with any tool, always has a theoretical explanation.
Stefano Cima - 48 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Viterbo (Italy)
I’ve always been an athlete. As a boy I practiced athletics, then I moved on to mountain biking and to training in the gym with weight training and functional training. After many years of training and continuous effort to overcome my limitations, I started to understand and feel that I had significant physical blocks that did not allow me to progress. Expanding my study of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, I identified my blocks, but I wasn’t able to overcome them because I did not have a method. I felt my body was literally locked, especially the pelvic girdle, my joint mobility was getting worse, and my muscles were becoming increasingly rigid and weak. This awareness made me reflect on my work as a health care worker in the rehabilitation sector, and on how the traditional protocols of physiotherapy work are limiting in the long run. Over the years I have obtained various qualifications in the field of rehabilitation and fitness, but these routes were not able to change my life either as a professional or as athlete. I continued searching, and after a few years of research I came across the world of WTA through online channels. The Method and the philosophy of the WTA immediately fascinated me, and I decided to approach WTA Functional Training to get back into the game and explore a new methodology of working. I started with the first specific training course in Functional Training, then I attended the course of RCF - Functional Body Reprogramming. This last one in particular I’ve done specifically for the practice in my work. The experience was, to say the least, amazing. The study that lay behind regarding the methods of work, the exercises, and, especially, the applications on the human biomechanics have been illuminating for me. I started to apply the method on myself, which is essential to become a good trainer and, given my scope, a superb rehabilitation therapist. After a few months, my body reacted very well and I immediately felt the benefits, especially at the level of the joints; the working method, in addition, has also led me to deeply understand my body and the necessity of returning to primordial movements. After having earned the certification as WTA Trainer and having learned the RCF system well, I began using the method on my patients/clients because I wanted them to also be able to obtain the benefits and improvements that I have obtained for myself first hand. The results obtained are satisfactory. Working on the components such as the myofascial chains and the proprioceptive system, it is possible to stimulate the neuromotor system, which is the fundamental theme on which to work in physiotherapy but is often neglected by many. To date, all the people that I follow and who are working closely with me with the R.C.F. method have achieved exceptional results, and many have achieved an excellent postural rebalancing and alleviated their symptoms. The excellent results convinced me to take a course of WTA Functional Training through which I have been able to stimulate many of the kids to prevent and treat various pathologies, risks of injury, or more simply just getting into shape and better using their own body. Another great advantage of WTA courses is that they combine an excellent theoretical part with a practical that is unique in its field. No other course that I know or have ever done takes as much detailed and specific care of the practical exercises to be taught and learnt. Thanks WTA!
Orazio Di Mauro - 34 years old / Massotherapist & Personal Trainer - Milan (Italy)
The preparation you acquire with a WTA Training Course is not comparable to a course with anyone else. It opens the mind to a new way of training, it truly has something extra. What you need is the desire to sweat, study, and get involved. The passion and dedication of the always up to date Tutors give you the grit to do even better and challenge your own limits. Thank you, WTA, for giving us this opportunity for growth.
Lisa Minacciolo - 34 years old / Personal Trainer - Verona (Italy)
I am a Gym Instructor and a mother. On weekends, I look after my daughter since I can’t leave her with anyone, so it's impossible for me to attend courses in the gym. That’s why I decided to attend the Course Online, which gave me more freedom to manage the times when studying at home and at the gym, in the gaps between lessons. Thank you, WTA, for giving us instructors this possibility to improve even when, like me, we have little time to do it.
Aida Kertalli - 28 years old / Fitness Trainer - Lugano (Switzerland)
I have been following the Master Trainer Emilio Troiano and the WTA Academy on YouTube for years, and have always been fascinated by the Method, but not being able to go to Italy to attend the courses, I was eagerly waiting for the Online Courses to start. Now that I have attended it, I can say that it was worth the wait, because I have learned a lot from this course and, above all, I can apply many things not only for myself but also for my clients in the gym. WTA Over the Top!
Julio Cesar Perez - Combat Sports Instructor - Montevideo (Uruguay)
Because of work commitments that I have almost every weekend it is difficult to attend training courses that interest me, and so Online Courses are very useful for me. I have bought Online Training Courses with other schools in the past, but I have to say that these ones from WTA are on another level, dealing with the minutest detail also in the videos of explanation for the exercises and in the training cards that follow a logical thread from the theoretical part of the book. Truly an outstanding job. I believe I will continue with the Online Training from WTA.
Robert Kugler - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Frankfurt (Germany)

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